Peace Train participants meet Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations
Peace Train participants met Michael Gort, Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations, March 6 in New York. During the 45-minute meeting, the group had good discussion about Canada’s role in peacekeeping and disarmament initiatives, Peace Train co-organizer Keith Wyton said. This included about how Canada has not attended any of the meeting for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)—not even as an observer. In so doing, Canada is in alignment with the NATO position on the TPNW, Keith said; no NATO nation has signed or ratified the TPNW, preferring to support the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). That remains Canada’s priority. “We asked the Ambassador to let Canada know that Peace Train Canada is supportive of Canada at the very least attending the TPNW meetings as an Observer State, which does not imply support or non-support for the treaty,” he said. Keith noted a majority of Canadians (74% by public p...